Jim Houser, solo show
July 11 - Aug 2, 2014
Press: SF Chronicle - Juxtapoz - HiFructose - Arrested Motion
Jim Houser was born in 1973 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the city where he currently resides. He is a self-taught artist and an honorary member of the Philly-based artist collective Space1026. His work explores the cadence of speech, science and science fiction, sickness and disease, plants and animals, time travel, ghosts , the art of children and the gravity of fatherhood, codes and code breaking, music and music making.
Houser’s collages, paintings and installations have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States, Europe, Australia and Brazil. His work is included in the permanent collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Art. Recently, Houser released a vinyl record of instrumental music composed to accompany his installations.
A Flatness in the Eyes
assemblage on wood panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
A Seaside Dirge
acrylic / collage on wood panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
He Came to the Place and Stayed There That Night, Because the Sun Had Set
acrylic on panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
Kinds of Plants
assemblage on wood panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
Animals That Mate for Life
acrylic /collage assemblage on wood panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
Temper Temper
acrylic /collage on wood panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
It Is Two Things
acrylic/collage on canvas, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
A Message, Read by the Glow of Police Lights
acrylic/collage on canvas, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
Let's See What They Run
acrylic /collage on wood, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
The Depth Finder
acrylic collage on panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
The Earth Seemed Larger, but Less Dangerous
acrylic / collage on wood panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
The Line Up
acrylic/ collage on wood panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
acrylic on wood panel, 2014
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
A Sidewalk Hymn
acrylic and collage on wood panel, 2013
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)
acrylic and collage on wood panel, 2013
18" x 18"
price and availability, email: info(at)